Announcement about the XXVIII RainAir Cup named after Yuhang Wu.

snarknews 2021-02-26 12:52:52 2021-02-26 12:59:46

Please note that in 2021, the RainAir Cup registration rules have undergone major changes.

First, We have brought a brand new Div 3 Stage. The difficulties of Div 3 is about the third problem of IOI, and the top three difficult topics in the ICPC World Final. Div 2 is still the difficulty of RainAir OI Junior Group, and Div 1 is the Senior one.

For a new team, you need to get an IOI gold medal first. World Final Medalist team is also allowed. Later, at the end of a season, we will select your best 10 contests and calculate your total score in accordance with the GP 30 rules.

A team which gets the top 33.33% in the Div 3 season can apply for promotion to Div 2, and the team which gets the top 50% in the Div 2 season can apply for promotion to Div 1.

The GP 30 Score Table:

Rank Score
1 100
2 75
3 60
4 50
5 45
6 40
7 36
8 32
9 29
10 26
11 24
12 22
13 20
14 18
15 16
16 15
17 14
30 1

The Schedules of XXVIII RainAir Cup:

Date Contest
2021.01.03 Grand Prix of Zhejiang
2021.01.10 Grand Prix of SPb
2021.01.17 Grand Prix of Zhengrui
2021.01.24 Grand Prix of Moscow
2021.01.31 Grand Prix of Korea
2021.02.07 Grand Prix of Tokyo
2021.02.14 Grand Prix of Baltic Sea
2021.02.21 Grand Prix of Nizhny Novgord
2021.02.28 Grand Prix of Omsk
2021.03.07 Grand Prix of New York
2021.03.14 Grand Prix of Central Europe
2021.03.21 Grand Prix of Linyi
2021.03.28 Grand Prix of Japan
2021.04.04 Grand Prix of North Carolina
2021.04.11 Grand Prix of Samara
2021.04.18 Grand Prix of Kazan
2021.04.25 Grand Prix of Novosibirsk
2021.05.02 Grand Prix of Saratov
2021.05.09 Grand Prix of Taiwan
2021.05.16 Grand Prix of Seoul
2021.05.23 Grand Prix of Massachusetts